Saturday, February 13, 2010


Hi everyone. I know it has been quite a while since the last time I updated. I will try to update more regularly in the future.

As I thought over the last couple weeks, I realized that the times that stood out the most, and the times of the week that I look forward to the most are our church services. I'm not sure that I can explain how awesome it is to worship with the people here. In almost every service, I am moved to tears. Every worship service is a time of love and community. Everyone greets everyone else when they arrive and again at the end of the service with a hug and a kiss and 'bendiciones' (blessings). It is a time when I feel like I can really get around the language barrier and bond with the other members of the church. During the time of praise, I appreciate being able to sing and worship with everyone. Many of the songs I have already learned and seeing the words, I understand what they mean. Other songs, I know in English and I am able to sing along.

It is amazing to see the members of the church and their faith. I am so touched by their eagerness to learn and their willingness to give their time and devotion to the church and God's Kingdom. I am so thankful to Guille and Shelley and their ministry and to see how God has used them to bring these people to Him.

I have also had the opportunity to meet different people who come to visit. A couple weeks ago, two men from Texas came to the Thursday night service because they were staying next door for a couple days after having gone to Haiti. They will be back in a few weeks to go back to Haiti to help again with a team. Last Sunday two Haitian men who came to the worship service. They knew a little English, so I was able to talk to them a little bit as well.

And then there's the kids. There are four children from the ages 4 to 7 that go to our school and also attend our church. I love these children. I am able to communicate and get to know them in a way that I can't get to know the adults yet with my limited Spanish. I usually end up with one of them on my lap during the worship service and sometimes I go up with them for Sunday school. I always look forward to seeing them.

I hope I was able to explain it so that you can understand a little bit more about my life here. That is all for now, but I will try to update more regularly.


ps for my technically-challenged readers: if you would like to comment and can't figure out how, just click on '0 comments', it will bring you to a new page, scroll down, and there should be a box where you can make a comment


  1. I've been thinking about you. It's great to hear about what has been going on!

  2. hey look what your "technilogically impaired" sister can do now! and I became a follower : )

  3. heidi - i'm so glad that you found the blog. i've been meaning to send out an email to all of my non-facebook friends about it. it's good to hear from you.

  4. ellie - woo hoo! i'm very proud of you. maybe you can explain it to mom and dad. awesome picture, by the way.
